Student Resources

Counseling and Mental Health Resources 

For student mental health needs during the school day you can see Ms. McWilliams (counselor) M-F from 8am to 3:45pm.

Peer Counselors

Peer Counselors are available during school hours to meet with students during non-core class time. Sessions are limited to 30 minutes.To schedule an appointment with a peer counselor please see Ms. McWilliams or the front office

After hours you may contact Ms. McWilliams by email at [email protected].

For mental health emergencies dial 911 or the following hotlines:

Just For Kids Hotline

Girls and Boys Town National Hotline
800-448-3000 TDD: 800-448-1833

24-hour crisis, resource and referral line. Trained counselors can respond to your questions every day of the week, 365 days a year. We can help teens and parents with suicide prevention, depression, school issues, parenting troubles, runaways, relationship problems, physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, chemical dependency, anger and much more. Any problem anytime.

1800 SUICIDE National Hopeline

If you – or someone you know – are having thoughts about suicide, call 1.800.SUICIDE (784-2433). Calls are connected to a certified crisis center nearest the caller’s location. Services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Although suicide prevention is our primary mission, people call the Lifeline for many reasons: Suicidal thoughts, Abuse/violence Information on suicide, Information on mental health/ illness, Sexual orientation issues, Physical illness, To help a friend or loved one,Loneliness, Relationship problems, Family problems.

National Youth Crisis Hotline
800-442-HOPE (442-4673)

Provides service for children and youth who are abused, suicidal, chemically dependent, depressed over family or school problems, runaway or abandoned Part of KBHC?
Operates 24 hours

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