Ways to Support ACS

In addition to our traditional fundraisers and spirit nights, did you know that we have several perpetual ways to support ACS? We do! See below for more details. You can also like us on Facebook at ACS PTO . 

Office Depot/Office Max
Every time schools, teachers, students, parents and school supporters give a school’s Give Back to Schools Program ID number when buying school and office supplies at Office Depot or OfficeMax, that school will be credited 5% of the qualifying purchases to use for free supplies. Credits are issued in the form of a merchandise certificate. A school must have a minimum of $10 in credits for a certificate to be issued. Anytime you shop at Office Depot or Office Max, be sure to give them our Program ID number 70017186. Shop online or in stores. For even greater benefit to ACS, purchase and use your Office Depot/Office Max Scrip card prior to placing your order.


Land’s End
With the Land’s End School Rewards Program ACS can receive up to a 3% cash-back reward from our school’s total uniform purchases. Simply shop at www.landsend.com for all of your ACS uniform needs and select Academy Charter School as your preferred school or use our preferred school code 
900054636. For even greater benefit to ACS, purchase and use your Land’s End Scrip card prior to placing your order.


French Toast
Visit www.frenchtoast.com for all of your Uniform Needs and ACS can receive up to 5% cash back on all ACS purchases. Simply enter our school code 
QS46E87 when ordering and watch the rewards roll in!  https://www.frenchtoast.com/schoolbox/schools/academy-charter-school-QS46E87


Dennis Uniforms
Shopping through Dennis Uniforms to help with your uniform needs supports ACS. Simply visit www.dennisuniform.com, and search for Academy Charter School or enter our unique code: Dennis Uniform Code C00. Every purchase made using these codes earns a percentage back to ACS! For even greater benefit to ACS, purchase and use your Dennis Uniform Scrip card prior to placing your order.


Grocery Rewards Programs
King Soopers has just made it easier to be part of the Community Rewards Program and help ACS earn money on what you already do - shop for groceries!  In the past we have sold cards that you have to re-load money onto in order for ACS to benefit.  Now everything is tied to your loyalty card and there is no hassle to load money onto a separate card!

Simply go to www.kingsoopers.com or www.kingsoopers.com/communityrewards

  • Go to My Account on the top right
  • Sign In to your account - if you do not have a sign in, you will have to create one
  • Click on Community Rewards on left side
  • Then search for Academy Charter School by entering VV348 for the organization code and click enroll.  You are now all set!

Please remember, you MUST enroll in this new program in order for ACS to receive credit for your King Soopers purchases.  For any questions, please see the attached flyer or email Jeannie Reddan at [email protected].

Box Tops and Labels for Education

The NEW and improved Box Tops mobile app uses state-of-the-art technology to scan your store receipt, find participating products and instantly add Box Tops to our school's earnings online. Traditional Box Tops clips are being phased out of production but may continue to be found on many products throughout the store as packages transition to the new Box Tops labels.



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